The Essential Argentina Travel Guide

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Ana Inés Figueroa

30 May 2023

Visa Information

There are different visa requirements for different countries. If you have a European, United States, or United Kingdom passport, you won’t need any visa to enter Argentina. You will be permitted to stay in the country for up to 90 days.

However, travelers from some countries might need visas to enter Argentina. You can find further information about visa requirements here. 

Smoking and Drinking

Smoking is allowed in Argentina, and tobacco products are widely available in the country. However, the minimum age for smoking in Argentina is 18 years old. 

Drinking is also allowed in Argentina, with a minimum age of 18. Alcohol is widely available in Argentina. In grocery stores and supermarkets, alcohol is sold until 10 PM. If you are a late-night drinker, you can find alcohol in restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. 


Argentina has four seasons – spring, summer, autumn, and winter. However, as Argentina is located in Earth’s Southern hemisphere, the season is ‘reversed’ from what we have in Europe. Winter is from June to August, while summer is from December to February. 

Moreover, you can find different weather in Argentina based on location. The northern part of Argentina is usually hot and humid, while the southern part is generally cold.

Culture, People, and Safety

People in Argentina are very friendly, engaging, and welcoming. They will like to be friends with you, even welcomes you to have a meal in their house. Besides that, there is some etiquette you can practice when visiting Argentina. It is recommended that you greet people politely, remove your hat while entering buildings or houses, and say “excuse me” when walking through people who are having conversations.


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